Blog of the Bilingual Program of CPEB Las Arenas (Cabrales, Asturias)

Sunday, 18 March 2012

2º ESO History of Religion Presentations

Divorced, beheaded and died, divorced, beheaded, survived!

For the last couple of months, the 2º ESO students on the Bilingual Programme have been learning about the history of religion in the United Kingdom. After listening to a brief introduction to the topic in class with Silvia and Morven, the students were split up to study different stages of religious history in the UK. Over the next few weeks, the students put in a lot of work researching their topics and making presentations. Below you can see the outcome of their hard work - very well done!!!

The First Missionaries - Andrés and David

The First Missionaries to the Time of Henry VIII - Borja and Gabriel

From the Reformation to the Present Day - Eva


  1. Morven is very interesting and funny =)

  2. Morven I'm like your post an a videos (The tree videos)

    Borja R. Mier

  3. Thank you Eva! So is Eva, and her presentation is very good!

  4. Thanks Borja! I'm glad you like the videos. I'm very proud of all of you for the good presentations you did!

  5. The best video was the fist. jajajjajajajaaja

  6. Quiero felicitaros, a todos y cada uno de vosotros que hacéis tan bonito e interesante este blog y el programa bilingüe en conjunto. ¡Me encanta! Magnífico trabajo de los profes, de nuestra querida Morven... y ¡cómo no! de los alumnos y alumnas de este cole. Parecen profesionales...

  7. Thank you Maite! :-) All of the students did a very, very good job! :-)
